This page contains information regarding Pinecreek Ranch. If you have questions or need information that is not answered here, please contact a member of the Board.

Annual Meeting
Our Annual Meeting is on the 2nd Saturday of June every year. Notice of the meeting is sent out to all owners before the meeting.

Volunteer Days
Every year we have a work day for property owners to volunteer to come up and help with projects around PCR. The Spring work day is the 4th Saturday in June. We have a pot luck luncheon after.

Board Meeting
The Board of Director's meet once a month for a Board meeting. If you are interested in attending a meeting, please contact a Board member for the date and time.

Owner's Contact Information
This list is important to keep current so we have accurate records when we send information out. If you have changed your address, phone number, or email please let the Secretary know. Please send your updated information to Lynda Zobell (PCR Secretary) at

Building a Cabin/Structure or Improving a Lot
The property owner is required to provide a certified survey of all property corners before you can be approved to build a cabin or improve your lot. Please read further instructions on the new cabin approval form. When you plan on improving your lot (cut a road in), building a cabin or any other structure on your lot, you must obtain approval through the Board of Directors first. The County will not issue a building permit until they have our approval. If your structure is under 120 square feet you do not need a permit from the County but you still need approval through the Board.
You will need to provide your cabin building plans, a site plan to show where you are placing the cabin/structure, the cabin/structure approval form, and any other pertinent documents to the board of Directors for Approval. Click HERE to print a copy of the approval form. A non-refundable impact fee of $1,500 is required to be paid with the application of this form.

Selling Your Cabin or Lot
Any property owner when selling their property must request a dues payoff. The request informs the property owner, title company, or the loan processor if there are any unpaid dues or assessments on the lot being sold.
Please email the Treasurer ( with the following information:
Property owner’s name and phone number to contact you.
Lot name and number (example: Acres-2, Meadows-35).
Name of person requesting payoff information and company name, if appropriate.
Your email address for verification of payoff information.
Important, after your lot is sold, please send the new trust deed to the Treasurer.
If you would like to add a property to this list, please send the lot number, contact, and price of the lot (please designate if there is a cabin on the lot) to

Fee Schedule
The Board has come up with a list of the fees that are being charged. This list will be updated as needed.
Click HERE to download the schedule.
Volunteer Days
Every year we have a work day for property owners to volunteer to come up and help with projects around PCR. The Spring work day is the 4th Saturday in June. We have a pot luck luncheon after.

Scheduling the Pavilion
Every owner is welcome to reserve the pavilion and restrooms for themselves and their families. The owner must to be present the entire time whether at the site or at their cabin.
To rent the pavilion there will be a non-refundable fee of $50.00 for up to 50 people. The fee will increase to $100.00 for 51-100 people and requires an extra porta-potty. For each additional 50 people the fee increases another $50.00 and an additional porta-potty is required.
The non-refundable $50.00 fee is to help cover the costs of toilet paper, paper towels, garbage bags, cleaning supplies, maintenance, and extra use of the dumpsters. You are required to clean up when you are done. The cleaning rules are posted at the pavilion. You will be charged for any damages.
Please contact Pat Curtis at (801) 368-1898 or
Donna Gordon to reserve the pavilion.
As a reminder, the RV pads located northwest of the pavilion are occupied on a first come, first serve basis, not to exceed a seven day stay. Your RV must be in the site and personally occupied, reservation signs or other items placed at the site will not be honored. Owners need to be present either at the site or their cabins for the entire time the RV pad is being used.
If the RV pads are full, you are only allowed to park your RV’s in the pavilion parking lot (if the pavilion is not rented out) or park in the main parking lot on the northwest side to avoid main traffic coming into the parking lot. There is no camping or rv’s allowed in the Meadows or in the snowmobile parking area. Fine $50.00 a day.